Corner: NW Date: MAY 10, 1925 Located: Depth: Placed: STONE Location: IN GRADE Tie 1: FE. COR. NE. 46.7' Tie 2: FE. COR. SW. 46.7' Tie 3: Tie 4: Remarks:
Corner: NW Date: Dec. 12, 2013 Located: 1" x 2" Iron Bar over Field Stone Depth: Placed: Location: Tie 1: Tie 2: Tie 3: Tie 4: Remarks: Zieske Land Surveying
Corner: NW Date: Aug. 18, 2009 Located: PK Nail Depth: Placed: Location: Tie 1: Tie 2: Tie 3: Tie 4: Remarks: Hanson Land Surveying
Corner: NW Date: AUG. 16, 1994 Located: STEEL PIN Depth: Placed: P.K. NAIL Location: BIT. SURFACE Tie 1: N&C TEL. PED. NE. 152.92' Tie 2: N&C PP SW. 60.46' Tie 3: STEEL PIN IN TWP. RD. INSLOPE E/SE 84.58' Tie 4: STEEL PIN IN TWP. RD. INSLOPE W/NW 82.85' Remarks:
Corner: NW Date: APRIL 21, 1980 Located: FIELD STONE Depth: 12" BELOW GRADE Placed: 1"x2'-4" LONG BAR Location: IN PLACE OF STONE 1986 Tie 1: N&C TEL. PED. NE. 152.92' Tie 2: N&C PP SW. 60.62' Tie 3: Tie 4: Remarks:
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Corner: N1/4 Date: AUG. 18, 2009 Located: NAIL Depth: Placed: 10" BRIDGE SPIKE Location: Tie 1: Tie 2: Tie 3: Tie 4: Remarks: Hanson Land Surveying
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Corner: NE Date: Aug. 18, 2009 Located: Gray Granite Stone Depth: 1 1/2 Ft Deep Placed: 22" long #5 rebar set in stone Location: In center of road intersection Tie 1: East side of Wood Post up 1.5 ft N. 31.6' Tie 2: NW side of PP up 1.5 ft SW 42.1' Tie 3: Tie 4: Remarks: Hanson Land Surveying Corner Certification
Corner: NE Date: MAY 10, 1925 Located: Depth: Placed: STONE Location: Tie 1: TACK IN SECOND FE. POST SW. 47.5' Tie 2: EDGE OF STEEL FE. POST SE. 54.1' Tie 3: Tie 4: Remarks:
Corner: NE Date: Nov. 20, 2012 Located: IRON MONUMENT Depth: Placed: Location: Tie 1: N= 105298.09 Tie 2: E= 521948.35 Tie 3: Tie 4: Remarks: Zieske Land Surveying
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Corner: W1/4 Date: AUG. 19, 1994 Located: STEEL PIN Depth: Placed: P.K. NAIL Location: BIT. SURFACE Tie 1: N&C PP SW. 89.88' Tie 2: CHISELED "X" CSP. SE. 138.34' Tie 3: N&C TREE EAST 71.22' Tie 4: N&C TREE E/SE 74.94' Remarks:
Corner: W1/4 Date: APRIL 21, 1980 Located: FIELD STONE Depth: 18" BELOW GRADE Placed: 1"x2'-4" LONG BAR Location: IN PLACE OF STONE 1986 Tie 1: N&C PP SW. 89.98' Tie 2: CHISELED "X" CSP SE. 138.34' Tie 3: Tie 4: Remarks:
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Corner: CENTER No information.
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Corner: E1/4 No information.
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Corner: SW Date: MAY 1994 Located: Depth: Placed: 24" REBAR Location: IN FIELD ENTRANCE Tie 1: CHISELED "X" CSP SE. 26.83' Tie 2: CHISELED "X" CSP SW. 34.10' Tie 3: Tie 4: Remarks: GRADED IN 1993
Corner: SW Date: APRIL 21, 1980 Located: FIELD STONE Depth: 10 " BELOW GRADE Placed: 1"x2'-4" LONG BAR Location: IN PLACE OF STONE 1986 Tie 1: CHISELED "X" CSP SE. 35.12' Tie 2: CHISELED "X" CSP SW. 35.60' Tie 3: Tie 4: Remarks:
Surveyor's Record Section 31
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Corner: S1/4 No information.
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Corner: SE No information.
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